Saturday, June 12, 2010

My Disney Princess

Yes. Lame title. Shut up.

Let me explain something to you.

Everyone has their favorite Disney Princess. They really do. Any child or adult that grew up with Disney influence with Disney culture, or even went to school where other kids were carrying around backpacks with Disney characters on them.... Bla bla bla, let's just face it. Disney crap is everywhere. And every girl wants to be a princess, and Disney has a princess for everyone.

I will tell you which one is the best. (Yes, there is a best.)

Sleeping Beauty.

But because she actually slept through the whole movie and someone else did all the work. But because of the prince. He actually gave a damn. He fell in love with a girl below his class and went after her anyway. When he found out his dad had arranged for him to marry some other girl, he refused and chased after her. When said princess was the poor girl that lived in the woods, he went after her and fought a DRAGON so he could kiss her and wake her up.

He wasn't just like, "Meh, whatever. I hardly know this girl and my dad wants me to marry some other chick.... so... I'll just go with what will make my dad happy."

No freaking way. He did what it took to get the girl. He refused to marry someone else. He risked his life for her.

That is why it she is my favorite Disney Princess. It just happened to be extreme luck that they ended up being together and living happily ever after. Whatever that means.

1 comment:

Casper said...

I love sleeping beauty!!!!