Wednesday, February 11, 2009

"She'll be here by tomorrow morning..."

I sat in Dr. Smith's office, naked from the waist down with a sheet wrapped around the lower half of my body, just like the last few appointments I have had with her.  This was week 38.  Two more appointments until my due date... But I was so ready to be done.  I had never been in that much pain since before I could remember, and I just wanted it to be over with.  I wanted this little person, half me and half someone I once cared about, out of my belly and in my arms.  I had never felt so ready in all my life.

My mom walked into the exam room, still in her scrubs from work.  She had been running late and came as soon as she could... It's been so nice to have her there for support, even though we don't get along all the time.  She's insisted on being there as much as she could be so that I wouldn't have to go through any little bit of it alone, because the father wasn't really around....

She had phone calls to make, so she just sat in her chair, dialed the numbers and returned phone calls from that day.  I sat on the table, swinging my swollen legs the best I could and tried to entertain myself while I waited for the doctor to come in....

My mind wandered to different things from earlier in the week... My two best friends live in two different states, and for some reason, each one felt the need to start planning what to do if I were to go into labor...  How to get a hold of them, back up plans, who to talk to first... Should they pack a bag now?  What would they need?

The conversations started out serious, and then got along the silly side...  

"I have a good feeling about this weekend."
"Really?  Why's that"
"I think this would be a good weekend to have a baby!  Next weekend is not only Valentine's Day, but it's also Friday the 13th... And the weekend after that is my birthday.  I like the idea of having her this weekend..."

"I wish it was easier to predict when she would be here... I have a hard time not being able to really plan ahead the way I want to.  Maybe if I pack my bags now, she'll get the hint and decide to come now..."

"I'm feeling weird today... Lots of cramping.  Not to alarm anyone, I'm sure it's nothing.  I'm going to see if it will go away, and talk to the doctor about it... But I'm sure it's nothing."

"I can't go into labor tonight!  The super awesome Grey's Anatomy/Private Practice crossover episode is on and I don't want to miss it!"

And then I was sitting on the exam table, half naked.  Wondering when my little bundle of joy would decide it was time to come into the world... thinking about the conversations that I had the previous day and that particular day... And I thought about how cute the dogs were, because they wouldn't leave me alone.  They slept as close to me as possible, followed me around the house, and even guarded the bathroom door whenever I was inside, which wasn't normal... But I loved that they cuddled me that way, and gladly took advantage of the snuggle time.

I had made a list Thursday, of things I needed to get before I went into the hospital, and what I wanted to get done.... I wanted to paint Winnie the Pooh on the wall, and have the nursery totally set up.  I needed to get nursing bras...  (which I just got the other day at Target... super cheap, super comfy...)  I wanted to get games and candies... Blah blah blah

And in this thought process, I felt an intense cramp... One so bad, my mom asked if I was okay.  One that crippled me... I couldn't speak, and just focused on my breathing.  Thirty seconds later, it was gone.

But... I peered underneath the sheet covering my naughty parts.  My belly was in the way and I couldn't get a good look.  I looked up at my mom, who was still on the phone.  She looked up at me, turned her head to the side and raised an eyebrow.

I lifted the sheet up again, and turned back to her, with my thinking face on.  Then I scooted back and felt it... and raised my eyebrows when I looked back at her.  She had gotten off the phone by now and gave me a confused look.

"It's a little wet down there, and I'm pretty sure I didn't pee."
"Um... What?"
"Mom... It could just be a lot of discharge.  That's normal, right?"

She got up and looked under the sheet with me...

"Sweetie, scoot back a little more...."

I scooted my butt back a couple scoots, and more liquid came out...

"Will you grab me something to put underneath here and let the nurse know?  I think my water broke..."

She ran into the hallway and talked to Lou, the main nurse that works with my doctor.  I could hear her laughing...  "oh that's just too funny..."  I heard her say, as she walked in to see what was going on.

She stuck a little paper strip in the liquid, explaining that it would change colors if it was my amniotic fluid leaking... The strip stayed the same color....

"Hmmm...  "  She put a chuck underneath me and helped me get comfortable.  "We'll see what Dr. Smith says.  She'll be in soon."

I kept making up stories, obviously in denial.  Maybe it was this, maybe it was that...  My mom and I both knew what was going on.

Dr. Smith came in, with a smile on her face like always.  I didn't listen to much of what she said... She examined my special place, the usual business, and then she spoke again.  The only words I really heard were, "hospital, pitossin, reduce the risk of infection, baby by tomorrow morning."

"Uh... Okay.  That sounds good."
"Alright!  Well, run home and don't take too long.  I'll call the hospital and let them know that you'll be there soon."  With another smile, Dr. Smith walked out the door.

I changed back into my normal clothes, quietly.

"You're going to have a baby!"  My mom said, estatic.

I finally realized what was going on, and I started to shake a little bit.  I took a deep breath...

"It's about time!  I'm so excited!"  I sounded as cool as a summer breeze.

My water was leaking, and to reduce infection, they were admitting me into the hospital to induce me and make things move faster.  My little girl would be in my arms by tomorrow morning...  

Just keep breathing... Just keep breathing... Just keep breathing...


Nancy said...

I'm looking forward to the same thing... just give me a couple more weeks!

Heather G. said...

Yeah!! I'm so glad you had your baby! I had mine on the ninth! I'm updating my blog now. I had a c section so I haven't been up to writing lately. Just wanted to say congrats!! Looks like it's just Nancy and Melissa to go!