Monday, September 7, 2009

messes are okay when you're a baby

So here's how the night went...

I had been taking a lazy day, trying to get a good nap in before I would get ready to meet this guy that my friend wanted me to meet. Tegan and I were snuggling in the big comfy chair watching a Ghost Hunters episode that I had on my DVR, and my mom called to invite me to a movie that was starting... oh... fifteen minutes later.

Thanks for the "ready... set...." before the "GO!"....


I could have said no, but who could resist Julie and Julia? I hurried and got ready, skipping the shower that I was going to take so I could make a good impression on this guy, and hurried to make it to the movie. I was only fifteen minutes late, including driving time. Go me!

The movie was adorable, by the way. Very well done. And I highly recommend that everyone goes to see it. Young, old, male, female. I actually went with the Golden Girls, a group of older single ladies that live in my neighborhood, ranging from like... 60+. It was very adorable. And they loved it too. Tegan decided that it was a good idea to knock over my popcorn and her snacks... It all ended up all over the floor... Great.

When the movie was done, Tegan and I had ten minutes to get over to Costa Vida across from the Target by my house. Have I mentioned the construction that they've been doing in the area? It is hell. I have no idea why all this needs to happen now, but it is. They're redoing the onramp for the freeway... And by redoing, I mean, making an entire new one. Construction sucks.

So, once I found my way into the parking lot, David, my friend and his new wife and two kids were walking in the parking lot. I parked and unpacked my things, and met them in the parking lot, right outside the doors for the restaurant.

David and Maddie, his new wife, couldn't be more perfect for each other. They fit together, like puzzle pieces. They get each others jokes. Their personalities just match. And David's daughters just seem to fit into both of their lives so well. It's like they were always a family.

Anyway... We stood at the table instead of sitting, catching up. I'm not sure why we didn't sit... Whatever. Bla bla bla... And then I saw this person that I was meeting for the first time. I'm honestly not sure what I think about him still... I'm trying to get a read on him. He was cuter that I thought he was going to be, even though I saw pictures on his Facebook. But I recognized him right away when we was walking through the parking lot into Costa Vida.

Introductions were made, and we made our way through the line, with some small talk... the usual, what's your family like, how many kids, what school... bla bla bla... Things were a little chaotic with a baby who couldn't sit still, and two girls that seemed to be even more all over the place.

David, the nice guy, paid for everyone's dinner, and I was holding Tegan, grabbing the cups for our drinks... and KICK!

She kicked David's tray over. Salad everywhere. Dressing down my arm, all over the floor, and down the walls of the counter. And she giggled... Of course, because to a baby, messes are fun! I wish I could get away with making a big mess and have someone else say, "Oh! That's so cute! Let me clean it up for you..."

Messes like that are only okay when you're little and you don't know any better...

I hardly got to eat any of it, because I had been snacking all day, and my body decided that that moment was the moment to suddenly be stuffed. Tegan wouldn't hold still.... At all. It was a terrible first meeting on my end. Bad move to bring the baby...

He thought she was adorable though, even though she was being a pill. We stayed and talked for a while afterwards... Still trying to feel each other out. He's an artist, who wants to be by the ocean, and he works with troubled youth and disabled adults. He seems like a good guy, but we need to take more time to see what's going on. I just always imagined that when I met that person it would be like when I met Brown Boot. But you never know what will happen.

He got into his retired police car, and I got into Erwin and we drove away. And that was that. We'll see where it goes.

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