Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Call me a hippie.

Ha ha ha ha.

No really.

I found this amazing soap... actually, I've had it for a while. Since my baby shower. My amazing sister, Chan, gave it to me for one of my shower gifts, and at first I was like, okay whatever... Soap for baby.

No. This soap is for EVERYTHING. Shower, cleaning, dishes, laundry, BRUSHING YOUR TEETH! The bottle even claims 18 uses, and people have reported more. One freaking product.

I had just been using it for Tegan at bath time, and then I realized something... It's not baby soap. It's baby mild soap... with out fragrances. Organic. Fair trade. Fair trade SOAP!? No, you do not put this in your coffee maker and drink it... It is just that amazing.

What is this soap you ask?

Dr. Bronner's Magic Soap

It is magic. I highly recommend using it.

For a couple weeks now, my scalp has been getting itchy, I've been getting ingrown hairs on my legs, and my skin has just felt very sensitive. So I decided to give it a shot.

Oh my amazing. I have never felt so clean and fresh. My head feels great! I'm not scratching it every five minutes. My hair feels so thick and full... I love it. My skin even tingles.

I did have to use some of my other products still... but I did eliminate a majority of what I normally use in the shower. All I used was this amazing Magic Soap and conditioner. And some shine spray after my hair was dry.

I'm going to use this stuff for a week and see if it really helps anything, or if I'm just being crazy... then I'll decide where to go from there. But I really think I will invest in more of this stuff when I have more fundage... and they have more products that I feel good about using! And now that I said that, I feel like a total hippie... The even have something that the claim will be amazing for tattoos. And it's not very expensive...

There seems to be an obsession with looking beautiful and what products you can buy for your self. Selfishness. I go through phases when I get very focused on how I look, and I really do want to do my best to look amazing... But I realized something... I can do it and do it a good way.

I can make it good for the environment. I can buy a pair of shoes from a company that donates a pair of shoes to someone who doesn't have them. Brand new shoes for someone in need... I like the feeling. I'll put things in my body that aren't chemically processed, and I'll eat from places that you can actually sit down and relax in, instead of just a drive through. I'm being good to myself and good to my body. And the planet.

I'm not going to look down on anyone that doesn't do what I do. It's your choice, it really is. If you decide to get your hair did, more power to you. If you decide to be a vegan (which I honestly think I could never do...) more power to you. We're all different and we all believe in different things.

So call me a hippie.

Maybe I just need to move back to Oregon... ha ha ha the thought has been crossing my mind a lot lately. :)